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The ultimate secret weapon for improving dorsiflexion and overall atheletic performance.

Why are deadlifts so good?

The key feature to a deadlift, which provides many benefits, is the amount of weight we’re able to load onto the bar.

For a fit and abled person, the deadlift should be your heaviest compound exercise. Studies have shown that heavy deadlifts, when performed properly, can increase Bone Mineral Density (BMD) across the entire body (1). A deadlift performed correctly will force the body to begin each rep in a position of dorsiflexion. The downward drive through the heels, combined with the weight load and angle of your shins, pushes a huge volume of force through the ankles and into the ground. It is under this pressure that our body positively adapts.

How do I perform a deadlift correctly?

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and your mid-foot underneath the barbell. An effective pointer here for correct placement is to imagine cutting your foot in half with the barbell.
  2. Hinge at the waist by pushing back your glutes and bending forward to grasp the barbell with an overhand grip. It is important to maintain a straight back.
  3. The barbell should be in close proximity to your shins and your hips should be slightly lower than your shoulders. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep your head in a neutral position, looking forwards not up!
  4. Drive your heels through the floor as you lift the barbell up, ensuring that you keep it as close to your body as possible.
  5. Squeeze your glutes as you reach the top of the lift.
  6. Lower the weight back to the ground by sliding it down to your thighs.
  7. That’s 1 rep.. now go again!


Things to look out for:

Keep the barbell close to your body! Yes you may scrape your shins occassionally, but having the bar too far away from your body will drastically increase the likelihood of injuring your back.

Utilise variations. The deadlift is an incredibly adaptable move. Changes in grip, stance or equipment provides plenty of variations to ensure your training program stays fresh.


Protect your back! The most important note of all,  avoid rounding your back. If you need a belt, wear a belt. If you need practice, lower the weight and practice. If you’re unbalanced, use isolation exercises to focus on your weaknesses and turn them into strengths,

Reps and Sets!



We recommend performing 5 sets of 5 reps to get maximum benefits from your deadlifts. Take advantage of the opportunity to load the bar for a heavy compound lift.



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